The Academy of Preachers: Preaching made better

“I believe that more American people hear a sermon in a given week than any other single extracurricular activity,” said Dwight Moody, executive director of the program. “People who are sitting in the pews are wanting better preachers.”

Moody, a former dean of the chapel at Georgetown College, teamed with St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville to run the program, which includes the retreat this month, a “preaching camp” this summer and a “festival of preaching” — both of which are expected to draw dozens of young people.

In between those events, participants will be communicating online and required to recruit a “preaching mentor” to guide their development.

Moody hopes the program — drawing mainly from Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee and other nearby states — will be duplicated in other regions.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Preaching / Homiletics

One comment on “The Academy of Preachers: Preaching made better

  1. Undergroundpewster says:

    [blockquote]”…when he talks with younger people who want to go into the ministry, he often finds their interests lie outside of the pulpit.
    ‘They’ll talk about social justice, nonprofit work, Christian higher education, counseling, mission work, youth work,” he said. “Very few of them mention preaching.'”[/blockquote]

    So will “preaching camp” be held at Kanuga? I kinda doubt it.